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ienergy2General Energy Institute of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine celebrated 25 years since its foundation

General Energy Institute of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (IZE of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine) is a center of fundamental and applied scientific research aimed at solving national strategic issues of energy development in Ukraine.

The activity of the Institute began in 1988, when by Resolution No. 138 of the Bureau of the Presidium of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR dated 04/07/1988 on the basis of the Department of Problems of Conversion and Use of Electricity of the Institute of Electrodynamics of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, Departments of System Research in Energy and High-Temperature Energy Conversion of the Institute of Modeling Problems in Energy of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR and the Complex of Thermometry in Energy of the Institute of Technical Thermophysics of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, the Institute of Energy Saving Problems of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR (IPE of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR) with a Special Design and Technology Bureau with experimental production was established.

Volodymyr Tonkal, a well-known scientist in the field of energy, energy saving and conversion technology, a corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, was elected the director of the IPE of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR.

Директор ІПЕ АН УРСР чл.-кор. АН УРСР Володимир Юхимович Тонкаль

Director of IPE of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, member-cor. Volodymyr Yukhimovych Tonkal, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR

After the declaration of Ukraine's independence, the Institute of Energy Conservation Problems of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR became the Institute of Energy Conservation Problems of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (IPE of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine).

Among the most significant results of the work of IPE of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine is the development of the Comprehensive State Energy Saving Program of Ukraine, which was put into effect by Resolution No. 148 of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 05.02.1997. The scientific director of the development of this important state document was at that time the corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine .M. Kulyk, leading scientists of the IPE of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine were involved in the work.

After Ukraine declared its independence, its energy sector faced new challenges that required new approaches and solutions that were not limited to energy saving. In particular, the issue of long-term forecasting of the functioning and development of the country's energy sector and its industries, forecasting scientific and technological progress in the energy sector, and researching the problems of managing energy systems and complexes in the new economic, political, and international environment became acute. Ukraine had no scientific organization to address these problems in a comprehensive manner, not only within the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, but also among the country's sectoral institutions, as in the former Soviet Union they were solved exclusively at the level of the country's central government.

To address the totality of these problems, by the Resolution of the Presidium of the NAS of Ukraine of 26.02.1997 No. 83, the IEP of the NAS of Ukraine was reorganized into the Institute of General Energy of the NAS of Ukraine (IGE of the NAS of Ukraine). One of the important aspects of the new Institute's practical activities was to be the systematic development of scientifically based recommendations and proposals for state authorities on structural policy of energy development, regulatory problems of its functioning and development, and increasing the efficiency of fuel and energy resources.

Постанова про створення Інституту загальної енергетики НАН України

Resolution on the establishment of General Energy Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Mykhailo Mykolayovych Kulyk (since 2000, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine) was elected Director of the Institute of General Energy of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, who headed the Institute until March 2022.

Директор ІЗЕ НАН України академік НАН України Михайло Миколайович Кулик

Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine M.M. Kulyk is a leading Ukrainian scientist in the field of general energy, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, author of more than 260 scientific papers, including 14 monographs. He is a laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine in Science and Technology (1999), a laureate of the S.O. Lebedev Prize of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (1994) and the Khrushchev Prize of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (2002), and an Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine (2003).

M.M. Kulyk is a leading scientist, in particular, in modeling of long-term forecasting and optimization of energy development in an inter-sectoral setting, optimization of the development of the country's electric power system, oil and gas and coal industries under conditions of rational nature management and ensuring energy security of the state. He is the developer of the theory of adaptive systems for automatic frequency and power control in integrated power systems, synthesized on the basis of passive regulators and large energy storage devices, whose performance is almost three times higher than that of traditional systems. He is fruitfully working on the problem of developing central models of inter-sectoral balance (V.V. Leontiev's model) for forecasting economic and energy processes at the national and global levels for the medium and long term, developing complex models for forecasting energy demand for the long term with increased accuracy. More than 20 PhDs have defended their theses under the supervision of M.M. Kulyk.

In accordance with the Order of the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine No. 133 dated 22.02.2022, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Vitalii Babak, a well-known scientist in Ukraine and abroad in the field of energy and information technology, in particular, monitoring and diagnostics of power systems and energy efficiency, was appointed Acting Director of the Institute of General Energy of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine effective 01.03.2022. He is one of the founders and leader of the scientific field of creating a new class of devices and systems for diagnosing energy facilities based on noise diagnostics and heat flow sensors.

According to the Resolution of the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine No. 44 dated 07.02.2024, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Vitalii Babak was appointed as Director of the Institute of General Energy of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine on February 07, 2024."

В.о. директора ІЗЕ НАН України член-кореспондент НАН України  Віталій Павлович Бабак

Director of GEI of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Vitalii Babak

For all 25 years of its existence, the Institute has been at the forefront of national science, and its research is aimed at addressing national strategic issues of energy development. Leading researchers of the Institute have a broad outlook, which allows them to solve problems of energy development taking into account not only purely technical and technological factors, but also economic and environmental aspects of the development of both the energy sector and the country's economy as a whole, and to take into account global trends in energy development. This makes it possible to successfully solve general problems of balanced development of the energy complex in the long term, to develop forecast fuel and energy balances (including in the intersectoral setting), to formulate directions for improving energy efficiency in the production, processing and use of fuel and energy resources, to offer reasonable proposals for solving specific problems of the country's energy policy and fulfilling its and environmental obligations.

For many years, the Institute has been continuously carrying out research to create and improve methods and tools for studying the prospects for the development of the energy sector of Ukraine. At the same time, the growing uncertainty of future conditions for the development and functioning of the economy and energy sector of a particular country, caused by the globalization of the world economy, liberalization of markets for products, goods and services, including energy, internationalization of environmental requirements and restrictions, diversity of investment resources, and the growing impact of energy prices on the pace and direction of economic development, significantly complicates the forecasting of energy development and requires constant improvement of methods and means of conducting relevant research.

To solve these problems, the Institute's specialists, for the first time in Ukraine, have developed and are constantly improving systems of multi-level, mutually consistent, dynamic simulation and optimization models with stochastic parameters and integer variables that ensure the search for the optimal trajectory of development of the energy complex of Ukraine and its sectoral systems in the long term, taking into account environmental constraints and requirements of national legislation and Ukraine's international obligations.

The main functional blocks of the created system are:

- Forecasting the future demand (need) for fuel and energy resources, which is a key issue in forecasting the development of the country's energy complex, improving energy efficiency and energy saving These studies are conducted by the Energy Efficiency and Energy Consumption Optimization Department;

- forecasting the development of the electric power sector. The research is carried out by the Department for Optimization of the Fuel and Energy Complex Structure, the Department for Forecasting the Development and Management of the Electric Power Industry, and the Department for Forecasting the Development of Nuclear and Renewable Energy;

- forecasting the development of the coal industry and the oil and gas complex. These issues are dealt with by the Department for Optimization of Fuel Bases Development and, partially, by the Department for Optimization of the Fuel and Energy Complex Structure;

- forecasting the development of heat supply systems. These studies are carried out by the Fuel and Energy Complex Structure Optimization Department, the Energy Efficiency and Energy Consumption Optimization Department, and the Electric Power Industry Development and Management Forecasting Department;

- optimization of perspective product fuel and energy balances. The Energy Efficiency and Energy Consumption Optimization Department and the Fuel Base Development Optimization Department are responsible for solving this problem.

Using the created tools, the Institute completed a number of developments on behalf of central authorities. The most important development was the draft Energy Strategy of Ukraine for the period up to 2030, approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 145 of March 15, 2006. The Institute of General Energy of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine acted as the main developer of this document.

In 2011, the Institute carried out research and development on the adjustment of the Energy Strategy of Ukraine until 2030. In 2017, the Institute carried out research and developed conceptual approaches to the development of Ukraine's energy sector for the period up to 2040.

 For many years, the Institute has been systematically conducting research on the creation of methodological and theoretical foundations, methods and tools for taking into account environmental factors in the study of the functioning and development of energy facilities and systems. The Institute's specialists participated in the development of the National Communication of Ukraine on Climate Change (first), and, at the request of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine, the Institute developed the Inventory of Greenhouse Gas Emissions in the Energy Sector in Ukraine in 1991-1998. Since 2001, the Institute has been a leading scientific organization on the implementation of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, the Kyoto Protocol and the Paris Climate Agreement in Ukraine, actively participates in expert and analytical support of many documents, annually performs expert assessment of the National Inventories of Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Sources and Removal by Sinks in Ukraine.

One of the aspects of the Institute's practical activities is the systematic development and preparation of scientifically based recommendations and proposals for state authorities on structural policy of energy development, regulatory issues of its functioning and development, and improvement of energy and fuel and energy resources efficiency.

The results of the research conducted and currently being conducted at the Institute were and are used in the development of a number of important state documents on behalf of the Presidential Administration of Ukraine, committees of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine, the Ministry of Energy of Ukraine, the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources of Ukraine, the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine, the State Agency for Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving of Ukraine, and the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

Thus, on behalf of the State Committee on Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving of Ukraine, the Institute developed the Concept of the State Program for Improving Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving of Ukraine (2007), which is aimed at solving the problems of energy efficiency of the Ukrainian economy and increasing attention to solving the problems of high energy intensity of the country's economy. The development of such a program was relevant, as the Comprehensive State Energy Saving Program of Ukraine, which was in effect at the time of the Concept development, was due to expire in 2010. The Institute's experts prepared materials for the National Report on the Implementation of the State Energy Efficiency Policy for 2010-2011 (2012).

Since 2000, the annual addresses of the President of Ukraine to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine have included thematic reports. The content of such reports and the composition of the working groups for their development were determined by the relevant orders of the Presidential Administration. In accordance with such orders, the Institute of General Energy of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine participated in the development of thematic reports on energy issues as part of the Addresses of the President of Ukraine to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine for 2000, 2003 and 2005. The Institute's specialists took part in the preparation of the thematic report "Energy Supply of the Ukrainian Economy and Energy Saving", which was included in the Address of the President of Ukraine to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine "On the Internal and External Situation of Ukraine in 2000", the thematic report "Energy Markets of Ukraine: Directions of Development and Improvement", which was included in the Address of the President of Ukraine to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine "On the Internal and External Situation of Ukraine in 2003", the section of the thematic report "Ensuring Energy Security of Ukraine", which was published in 2005.

In recent years, the Institute's scientists have prepared a number of analytical notes on the current state and projected directions of development of the energy sector of Ukraine on behalf of the highest governing bodies of the state.

As of the beginning of 2022, the Institute had 6 research departments: Department for Optimization of the Fuel and Energy Complex Structure; Department for Energy Efficiency and Optimization of Energy Consumption; Department for Optimization of Fuel Bases Development; Department for Forecasting the Development and Management of Electric Power Industry; Department for Forecasting the Development of Nuclear and Renewable Energy; and Department for Monitoring and Diagnostics of Energy Facilities, which was transferred to the Institute in January 2022. In October 2022, due to personnel changes that took place at the Institute and
taking into account the adjusted scientific areas of research of the Institute, approved by the Resolution of the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine No. 74 dated 23.02.2022, four new scientific departments were formed by reorganizing the existing six scientific departments:

 Department for Forecasting the Development of the Electricity Sector
 Department for Transformation of the Fuel and Energy Complex Structure
 Department for Forecasting Energy Efficiency and Prospective Fuel and Energy Balances
 Department of Monitoring and Diagnostics of Energy Facilities.
The Institute also established the Department of Scientific and Organizational Work on the basis of the Scientific Information and Documentation Service.
As of 01.01.2023, the Institute has 97 employees, including 3 academicians of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Kulyk M.M., Khalatov A.A.,Babak V.P.), 2 corresponding members of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
(, Novoseltsev O.V., Fialko N.M.), 13 Doctors and 35 Candidates of Sciences.

The results of the research carried out by the Institute were used by the specialists of the National Energy Campaign "Ukrenergo" in the preparation of Reports on the assessment of the adequacy (sufficiency) of generating capacities to cover the projected demand for electricity and ensure the necessary reserve.

The Institute has formed and successfully operates a scientific school of long-term energy and economic forecasting of the energy complex development, system analysis of energy efficiency and energy saving (founder and scientific director - Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine M.M. Kulyk). Based on the research of this school, scientific foundations, mathematical tools, models and methods of long-term forecasting of the country's economy's need for fuel and energy resources, formation of optimal fuel and energy balances, optimization of the development of the country's energy complex as a whole and its sectoral systems (coal industry, electricity, nuclear power, oil and gas complexes, heat supply systems), development of regional energy systems, unconventional and renewable energy sources were created.

The Institute also has a scientific school of technical diagnostics of energy systems and information and measurement technologies (founder and scientific director - Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine V.P. Babak). Based on the research of this school, scientific foundations and hardware and software for diagnostics of energy facilities based on noise diagnostics and heat flow sensors were created.

The Institute has a doctoral program, a postgraduate program and a specialized academic council for awarding the degree of Doctor of Science.

From 1999 to June 2022, the Institute published a collection of scientific papers "Problems of Common Energy". In 2022, the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the Institute of General Energy of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine founded the scientific journal Systemic Research in Energy on the basis of the scientific collection "Problems of General Energy", which publishes scientific, analytical and research works of Ukrainian and foreign specialists, which present the results of their research aimed at solving fundamental and applied problems of development and functioning of the energy complex of Ukraine and other countries.

The works of the Institute's scientists were awarded the State Prize of Ukraine in Science and Technology, S.O. Lebedev, V.M. Khrushchev, G.F. Proskura, and V.I. Tolubinsky Prizes of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

The Institute is constantly involved in the implementation of applied research of the Committee on System Analysis under the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, which is aimed at solving fundamental problems of the national socio-economic sphere and ensuring its sustainable development.

The Institute actively develops international scientific cooperation in the field of system research in the energy sector. Since 2000 and up to now, the Institute has been carrying out joint fundamental and applied research with IIASA on a regular basis, in particular, the Institute's specialists are involved in research on the projects "Advanced System Analysis", "Environmentally Compatible Systems" and others.






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Діяльність Інституту виконується сьогодні відповідно до статті 7 п. 6 "Новітні технології та ресурсозберігаючі технології в енергетиці, промисловості та агропромисловому комплексі" Закону України "Про пріоритетні напрями розвитку науки і техніки".


Функціонування та майбутній розвиток енергетики країни відбувається за умов неусталених внутрішніх ринкових відносин у галузях паливно-енергетичного комплексу та суміжних секторах економіки країни, а також при посиленні зовнішніх впливів, пов’язаних з загальносвітовим процесом економічної глобалізації.


Швидкі зміни умов, що посилюються дедалі більшим впливом чинників ринкової кон’юнктури, вимагають відповідного вдосконалення методів управління функціонуванням і розвитком енергетики країни як гаранта стабільного розвитку та конкурентної здатності національної економіки на внутрішньому та зовнішньому ринках.


Це суттєво посилює роль наукових досліджень у галузі системного аналізу та прогнозування розвитку енергетики, спрямованих на визначення стратегічних напрямів енергетичного будівництва, оптимізацію структури енергетики та її паливних баз, створення гнучких механізмів державного управління в сфері енергетики, швидкого виявлення, дослідження та впровадження найбільш ефективних енергетичних технологій майбутнього.


На сьогодні актуальності набуває науковий супровід Енергетичної стратегії України на період до 2030 року та дальшу перспективу, Комплексної державної програми енергозбереження України, галузевих та регіональних програм у галузі енергетики та енергозбереження, координація науково-технічної діяльності в енергетиці та у суміжних галузях науки і техніки.


В найближчій перспективі пріоритетом розвитку фундаментальних наукових досліджень в загальній енергетиці є подальше удосконалення теоретичних основ і засобів аналізу та оптимізації напрямів розвитку паливно-енергетичного комплексу, підвищення енергетичної ефективності в економіці та соціальній сфері України за умов глобалізації і лібералізації ринків палива та енергії, екологічних обмежень і вимог, фактора значного зростання цін на енергоресурси, збільшення обсягів використання відновлюваних джерел енергії, в тому числі за рахунок широкого впровадження теплових насосів, подальшого зростання енергетичної безпеки країни для сталого розвитку її економіки.


Згідно з вимогами часу, науково-технічна діяльність ІЗЕ НАН України в найближчі 5-10 років буде пов’язана з:

  • подальшою розробкою, вдосконаленням та впровадженням методів оптимізації функціонування та розвитку галузей паливно-енергетичного комплексу, енергетики країни в цілому, з урахуванням вірогідних змін внутрішніх та зовнішніх умов і тенденцій, дії фактора значного зростання цін на енергоресурси, досягнень науково-технічного прогресу;

  • науковим супроводом Енергетичної стратегії України на період до 2030 року та дальшу перспективу;

  • виконанням прикладних досліджень, спрямованих на розробку рекомендацій для державних органів управління з актуальних питань розвитку енергетики, створення нормативно-технічної документації у галузях енергетики та енергозбереження, проведення технічних експертиз, розробок та впроваджень нових енергетичних установок та технологій;

  • координацією наукових досліджень у галузі системного аналізу та прогнозування енергетики, розробки державних і регіональних програм її розвитку;

  • посиленням міжнародного співробітництва з провідними науковими центрами Європи і світу у питаннях вдосконалення методів системного аналізу та прогнозування в енергетиці.

Інформація про нові теплообмінні поверхні

     Інститут загальної енергетики Національної академії наук України розробив і пропонує для впровадження високоефективні теплообмінні поверхні, які можуть бути використані в теплообмінних апаратах змішувального типу.
     Пропоновані поверхні забезпечують високу інтенсивність тепловіддачі від рідини, що стікає по них у вигляді плівок, до навколишнього газу. Такий ефект досягається за рахунок структурування поверхні заглибленнями спеціальної форми (сферичними лунками), які турбулізують потік, перемішують шари, і інтенсифікують тепловіддачу. Рельєф пропонованих для впровадження поверхонь визначений в результаті комплексу експериментальних досліджень теплообміну фаз на профільованих поверхнях з різними геометричними характеристиками.
     Експериментально встановлено, що коефіцієнт тепловіддачі від рідини до повітря на таких поверхнях збільшується майже в 3 рази у порівнянні з течією по гладкій поверхні. Отримані дослідні дані узагальнені в безрозмірному вигляді для умов протитечії і поперечного руху контактуючих фаз вода – повітря.
     Підприємствам, що проектують, виготовляють і експлуатують градирні, пропонується використовувати такі поверхні в якості зрошувачів плівкових градирень.

     Конструктивні особливості пропонованої плівкової градирні такі:

  • зрошувані поверхні (зрошувачі), на які надходить циркуляційна технологічна рідина, розташовуються в градирні під певним кутом до горизонту;
  • зрошувачі заданої ширини і довжини розташовуються в градирні один над іншим у вигляді ярусів, що утворюють окремий блок;
  • зрошувачі можуть бути виконані у вигляді лотків, наприклад, з оцинкованої сталі з виштампуваними на них сферичними лунками, або з інших матеріалів з будь-якою технологією виконання необхідного рельєфу поверхні.

     Подача на зрошувач рідини, що охолоджується, здійснюється з рекомендованою нами щільністю зрошення, яка гарантує високоефективну тепловіддачу. Задана продуктивність градирні забезпечується загальною кількістю зрошувачів у ній.
     Для плівкових градирень розроблена придатна для практичного використання методика інженерного розрахунку коефіцієнта тепловіддачі і ступеня охолодження рідини (температурного перепаду) для різних режимів взаємодії фаз вода – повітря і кліматичних умов.

     Переваги використання пропонованої теплообмінної поверхні в якості зрошувачів плівкових градирень такі:

  • високоефективна тепловіддача від нагрітої води до навколишнього повітря, яка суттєво збільшує ступінь охолодження рідини. При цьому можна значно знизити енерговитрати на охолодження (наприклад, зменшити потужність установок вентиляторів або зовсім відмовитися від них);
  • істотне збільшення часу контакту фаз вода – повітря за рахунок значного уповільнення швидкості плівки води, що стікає, при її русі по поверхні зі сферичними лунками;
  • відсутність бризок у циклі охолодження, так що відпадає необхідність у краплевловлювачах;
  • маневреність за гідравлічним навантаженням за рахунок відключення «зайвих» зрошувачів або блоків у градирні (із збереженням необхідного температурного перепаду);
  • маневреність за ступенем охолодження води за рахунок зміни витрати на поверхні зрошувача, тобто зміни товщини плівки, що стікає;
  • відсутність формування ручаїв течії при перебігу рідини по поверхні зі сферичними лунками;
  • відсутність можливих відкладень на поверхні течії і в лунках за рахунок турбулізації потоку і гарного вимивання;
  • низький рівень шуму;
  • добра ремонтопридатність за рахунок блокової конструкції градирні;
  • прийнятні габарити градирень. Наприклад, градирня з габаритами в плані 2 × 2 м і висотою ~ 3 м за рахунок конструктивних особливостей має загальну довжину течії рідини, що охолоджується, більше 9 м і час контакту фаз більше 30 секунд.

     Ми пропонуємо зацікавленим сторонам пакет послуг (для градирні заданої продуктивності), що включає:

  • розрахунок ступеня охолодження рідини (температурного перепаду) для різних кліматичних умов;
  • розрахунок загального теплового навантаження;
  • рельєф поверхні зрошувачів та їх розміри;
  • габаритні розміри і ескізні конструктивні варіанти (схеми) градирень;
  • допомогу у виборі оптимальної конфігурації градирень;
  • різну консультативну допомогу.
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The Institute employees participate actively in the coordination of scientific research in the complex of comprehensive standardization on the problem of "Energy efficiency" within the framework of the work of the technical committee on standardization TC 48 "Energy efficiency", the secretariat of which works on the basis of the Institute.


In accordance with the LC provision 48, approved by the order of the SE "Ukrainian Research and Training Center for Standardization, Certification and Quality Problems" dated 17.06.2016 No. 178, it is an association of authorized representatives of interested enterprises, institutions and organizations of customers, developers, product manufacturers, executive power bodies, local self-government bodies, economic entities and their associations, scientific-technical and engineering societies, consumer societies, relevant public organizations, leading scientists and specialists, involved in the work of the technical committee on a voluntary basis, taking into account the principle of representation of all interested parties. LC 48 "Energy efficiency" includes representatives of 14 organizations. The committee is entrusted with the functions of developing, reviewing and agreeing national standards in the field of energy saving, participating in the work of related technical committees of international and regional organizations, and forming the position of Ukraine regarding the regulatory documents being developed by these organizations.

Technical Committee on Standardization No. 48 "Energy Saving" in 2020:

On October 9, 2020, the first editions of draft national standards of Ukraine in the energy efficiency sector were reviewed and agreed, namely: per DSTU EN 378-2:20__ (EN 378-2:2016, IDT), per DSTU EN 62109-1:20__ (EN 62109-1:2010, IDT; IEC 62109-1:2010, IDT), per DSTU EN 62109-2:20__ (EN 62109-2:2011, IDT; IEC 62109-2: 2011, IDT);

On October 16, 2020, draft national standards of Ukraine in the energy efficiency sector were reviewed and agreed, namely: per DSTU  EN 378-2:20__ (EN 378-2:2016, IDT), per DSTU EN 62109-1:20__ (EN 62109-1:2010, IDT; IEC 62109-1:2010, IDT), per DSTU EN 62109-2:20__ (EN 62109-2:2011, IDT; IEC 62109-2: 2011, IDT);

On November 17, 2020, it was considered and recommended to submit proposals to the National Standardization Work Program for 2021 to the SE UkrNDNC regarding the development of national standards, harmonized with European standards, by the translation method, on the subject specified in LC 48 "Energy efficiency"" (10 standards).

The Institute employees, as part of the work of the Technical Committee LC 48, cooperate with international technical committees on standardization (exchange of texts of standards, holding votes on the adoption of international standards in the energy saving sector):

  • ISO/TC 301 Energy management and energy savings;
  • ISO/TC 180/SC5 Solar energy / Collectors and other components;
  • IEC TC 88 Wind energy generation systems;
  • IEC TC 105 Fuel cell technologies;
  • IEC TC 117 Solar thermal electric plants;
  • CENELEC: CLC/TC 13 Electrical energy measurement and control;
  • CENELEC: CLC/TC 82 Solar photovoltaic energy systems;
  • CENELEC: CLC/TC 88 Wind turbines;
  • CENELEC: CLC/SR 105 Fuel cell technologies;
  • CENELEC: CLC/SR 117 Solar thermal electric plants.

ДСТУ ISO 9846 Енергія сонячна. Калібрування піранометра із використанням піргеліометра.
ДСТУ ISO 9845-1 Енергія сонячна. Еталонна спектральна густина потоку сонячного випромінювання на поверхні землі в різних умовах приймання. Частина 1: Пряме перпендикулярне та напівсферичне випромінювання для повітряної маси 1,5.
ДСТУ ISO 9847 Енергія сонячна. Калібрування польових піранометрів порівнянням з еталонним піранометром.
ДСТУ ISO/TR 9901 Енергія сонячна. Польові піранометри. Рекомендований спосіб використання.
ДСТУ ISO 9488 Енергія сонячна. Словник.

For many years, the Institute has been continuously carrying out scientific work on the creation and improvement of methods and tools for researching the prospects for the development of branches of the energy complex of Ukraine. With the use of these tools, developments were carried out at the Institute on the instructions of the President of Ukraine, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, the Ministry of Energy and Coal Industry of Ukraine, and other central authorities.

the projects of the Comprehensive State Energy Saving Program of Ukraine, approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 142 dated 14.02.1997, and the Energy Strategy of Ukraine for the period until 2030, approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 145 of 15.03.2006 were the most important developments. During the development of these documents, General Energy Institute of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine performed developer`s functions.

In 2014, scientists of the Institute took part in the research work "Development of the Energy Strategy of Ukraine for the period until 2030", the main developer of which was the National Institute for Strategic Studies.

The Institute conducted research and developed conceptual approaches to the development of Ukraine's energy industry In 2017, for the period up to 2040ю

Ihe Institute systematically carries out research devoted to the creation of methodological and theoretical foundations, methods and means for taking into account environmental factors in the study of the functioning and development of energy facilities and systems.

Specialists of the Institute participated in the development of the "National Communication of Ukraine on Climate Change (First)", on the order of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Ukraine, the Institute developed the Cadastre of greenhouse gas emissions in the energy sector in Ukraine in the period 1991-1998.

The Institute has been a leading scientific organization on the implementation of the provisions of the Framework Convention on Climate Change, the Kyoto Protocol and the Paris Climate Agreement to it in Ukraine. absorption by absorbers of greenhouse gases in Ukraine since 2001

The Institute`s staff has been working for many years on the development of methods for forecasting energy consumption and energy saving potentials at various hierarchical levels of the economy.

The practical activity aspect of the Institute is the systematic development and preparation for state authorities of science-based recommendations and proposals on the structural policy of energy development, regulatory and legal problems of its functioning and development, increasing the efficiency of energy use and fuel and energy resources.

The Institute Scientists as experts ensure the provision of thorough scientific expertise, constantly working as part of the "Electroenergetics" section of the Scientific and Technical Council of the Ministry of Energy of Ukraine, the Public Council under the Ministry of Energy of Ukraine, the specialized "Energy" section of the Committee on State Prizes of Ukraine in Science and Technology, the expert commission The Ministry of Energy of Ukraine on the performance of sectoral expertise of scientific institutions of the electric power industry, the nuclear industrial complex and the oil and gas industry, the expert council on the natural gas market, the expert group of the Interdepartmental Commission on the organization of the implementation of agreements on the distribution of products of the Ministry of Energy of Ukraine, The Interagency Commission for Ensuring the Implementation of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, the Interagency Working Group on the Implementation of Directive 2003/87/EC of October 13, 2003 on the Establishment of a Scheme for Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions, the Working Group on Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving of housing policy, the People's Council under the State Agency for Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving of Ukraine, the expert group on heat energy issues of the People's Council under the Ministry of Community Development and Territories of Ukraine, the secretariat of the Technical Committee for Standardization TK 48 "Energy Saving", working on the basis of the Institute, the Permanent Council National Electrotechnical Committee of Ukraine for Planning, Strategic Development and Innovation.

The General Energy Institute of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine operates two scientific schools: the Scientific School of Long-Term Energy-Economic Forecasting of the Development of the Fuel-Energy Complex (PEK), System Analysis of Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving (founder and head of science - Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine M.M. Kulyk).

The scientific foundations, mathematical tools, models, and methods of long-term forecasting of the country's economy's need for fuel and energy resources, the formation of optimal fuel and energy balances, the optimization of the development of the country's PEC as a whole and its branch systems (coal industry, electric power, nuclear power, oil, and gas complexes) have been created, heat supply systems), development of regional energy systems, non-traditional and renewable energy sources. The means of modeling the environmental consequences of the activity of energy facilities, limitations, and requirements of environmental legislation regarding the activity of the energy sector have been developed. The scientific foundations, methodological principles, and mathematical support for evaluating the effectiveness of the use of energy resources in the economy and social sphere of the country have been created, determination of energy efficiency indicators, calculation of the total energy saving potential, and its real volumes.

The scientific and practical result is the systematic development and preparation for state authorities of science-based recommendations and proposals on the structural policy of energy development, regulatory and legal problems of its functioning and development, increasing the efficiency of the use of energy and fuel and energy resources. The most important developments were the Comprehensive State Energy Saving Program of Ukraine and the Energy Strategy of Ukraine for the period until 2030, during the development of which the Institute performed the functions of the main developer. In 2017, the Institute conducted research and developed conceptual approaches to the development of Ukraine's energy industry for the period up to 2040.

About 30 doctoral and candidate ddissertations have been defended.

Scientific School of Monitoring of Energy Facilities and Information and Measurement Technologies (founder and head of science - academician  of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine V.P. Babak).

Based on the research of this school, the scientific foundations and hardware and software for monitoring power facilities based on acoustic and heat flow sensors were created. The theoretical foundations of noise diagnostics were developed, the theory of diagnostics of onboard power systems and processing of tomographic information, methods for predicting failures of power equipment elements in conditions of a small number of abnormal deviations were developed, which made it possible to increase the probability of predicting failures and reliability of monitoring systems of the energy complex at the stages of generation, transportation and consumption of thermal energy, including the use of unmanned aerial vehicles. The scientific and practical principles of the reference base for ensuring the uniformity of measurements of the surface heat flux density, which corresponds to the world level of metrological support of measurements, original methods of diagnosing materials, methods of complex detection, localization and recognition of classes of defects for aerospace systems were created and implemented, expert systems for monitoring energy facilities based on neural networks using current and retrospective information, scientific and methodological principles of statistical research of the impact of energy balance components on air pollutant emissions, a methodology for organizing connections and interaction in the structure of distributed generation, which ensures the possibility of its self-sufficiency through the use of accumulation capacities for the functioning of renewable energy sources, the basis for improving the efficiency and safety of the integrated energy system through the electrification of heat supply.

The scientific and practical result was the development of monitoring devices and systems for the energy, aviation and astronautics, construction, and environmental protection sectors that are competitive in the global market, are sold on the domestic technological base and are widely implemented in Ukraine and abroad, in particular, at Kyivenergo, Kharkivenergo, PJSC "Hartron", SE "Plant "Electrotyazhmash" (Kharkiv), SE "Yuzhnoye" Design Bureau, NPP "Mashinostroitelstvo" (Dnipro), SE "Antonov", SE "Arsenal", etc, as well as in the UK, Korea, Lithuania, Germany, Poland, and Kazakhstan.

20 doctoral theses and 30 candidate dissertations were defended.

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General Energy Institute of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine,  in cooperation between National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA, Austria), has been conducting scientific research, the results of which are used in the development of international projects, in particular, research climate change on the planet, since 2000.

Employees of General Energy Institute of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, in accordance with the joint project of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and IIASA "Complex modeling of management of the safe use of food, water and energy resources for the purpose of sustainable social, economic and ecological development", have been carrying out scientific work "Research of energy development processes as a factor sustainable development of the socio-economic system, ensuring its economic efficiency, technical reliability, minimization of the impact on the natural environment and GHG emissions since 2017."

As a result of the prospects of scientific and technical progress of the main classes of energy technologies search, the analysis of the regulatory framework that determines the principles of operation and the directions of long-term development of the energy sectors, forecast data of indicators for determining the marginal conditions of the economic efficiency of the main technological classes of the energy sector were formed. With the use of improved models of the life cycle of energy technologies, it was determined that the limiting conditions of the economic efficiency of the new promising technology of nuclear energy - low-power modular reactors - is to ensure the strategic direction of low-carbon energy development. A new simulated mathematical model for determining the optimal composition of a combined (accumulator battery and SES/WEP) power plant based on the criterion of economic efficiency is proposed. A new model of mathematical programming with integer variables has been developed, which allows for computer modeling of the processes of integration into the national energy system of significant volumes of generating capacity of renewable energy with stochastic nature of energy production, as well as with the preservation of energy generation by existing nuclear power plants. A balance-optimization mathematical model of the energy supply of the national economy has been developed in conditions of limited sources of energy sources, uncertainty of the forecast structure of the need for fuel and energy resources, environmental restrictions, taking into account the requirements of energy security, which involves observing the ratio between the volumes of imports and its own production, as well as the structure of the supply of imported fuel.

The following results were obtained during the performance of work under stage IV "Development of mutually coordinated systems of mathematical models of long-term sustainable development of energy as an infrastructural branch of the socio-economic system, modeling of typical scenarios" in 2020. In order to ensure the adequacy of the modeling of electricity generation modes by power plants that are part of the power system, mathematical equations have been developed regarding compliance with the required volumes of secondary reserves. The proposed equations application allows finding the optimal solution for the distribution of secondary reserves between the generating capacities of the power system for each hour of the electric load schedule. Such a solution ensures the maximum use of low-predictive forecasted capacity of renewable generation, wind and solar power plants, and thus allows for the formation of robust decisions regarding the technological structure of the electric power industry as a whole, both for the short-term and for the long-term prospect. The improved mathematical model takes into account the physical and technical characteristics of the generating equipment operating within the power system. Equations used as constraints of the optimization model are also developed in the model, which take into account the limit volumes of electric power flows with adjacent energy systems. Evaluating the level of flexibility of the power system under the conditions of its operation both in isolated mode (in this case, the power flows must be zero for each simulation period), and under the conditions of its operation in parallel with neighboring power systems is possible. The application of these equations significantly increases the adequacy of the model in terms of taking into account the impact of poorly forecasted capacity of renewable generation, wind and solar power plants, on the overall balance and reliability of the power system. The analysis of the new European documents on the decarbonization of the economy, in particular, the European Green Agreement, the Hydrogen Strategy for a climate-neutral Europe and the EU Strategy for reducing methane emissions, showed that they will have a significant impact on the functioning of both the energy sector of our country and non-energy sectors. In particular, the carbon border tax implementation  may make it economically unfeasible to export Ukrainian-made products to the EU, including electric power, due to the high carbon intensity of these goods compared to their European counterparts. The developed estimates of natural gas consumption for the period until 2040, taking into account structural changes in the economy of Ukraine and technological energy saving, predict a gradual increase in gas consumption from 31.5 billion cubic meters. m in 2017 to 44.2 billion cubic meters. At the same time, estimates of natural gas demand forecasts in the EU countries in 2040–2050 showed a tendency to decrease natural gas consumption. The policy of the European Union is the main reason for the decarbonization of the economy by reducing the consumption of fossil natural gas in the total consumption of gaseous fuel by replacing it with synthetic methane, hydrogen and biomethane. This defines the robust solutions to ensure the demand for gas fuel consumption at the expense of new low-carbon types of fuel to ensure sustainable low-carbon development of the economy.

Based on the results of the scientific work, a section of the collective monograph "Interrelationships in the food, energy and water system for sustainable development: integrated modeling and reliable management" was published in 2020 (ed. Bohdanova V.L., Yermolyeva T.Yu., etc.), which was published by the publishing house "Akademperiodika", 2 articles in a scientific publication indexed in international scientometric databases, 1 chapter as part of a collective monograph accepted for publication in 2021 published by Springer. The relevance of the conducted research and the obtained results meet international high-level standards.

The work is carried out in cooperation with leading specialists of such IIASA scientific projects as "Advanced System Analysis" and "Reduction of Pollutant and GHG Emissions into the Air" (academicians of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine M.M. Kulyk, S.V. Shulzhenko, T.P. Nechaeva, I. Ch. Leshchenko, M. I. Kaplin, V. V. Stanytsyna).

Employees of General Energy Institute of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine in accordance with the joint project of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and IIASA "Complex modeling of the management of safe use of food, water and energy resources for the purpose of sustainable social, economic and ecological development" carried out the scientific work "Research of energy development processes in uncertainty information conditions  and growing environmental requirements regarding emissions of harmful substances and GHGs" in 2012–2016. The paper proposes a system of interconnected mathematical models of energy subsectors, which form an integrated mathematical model of the national fuel supply system with stochastic exogenous variables and scenarios. The existing mathematical models of the formation of directions of development of individual sectors of the energy industry, in particular, the electric power industry, coal and gas sectors, and the energy sector in general, have been improved and new mathematical models have been developed. Software and information tools for building stochastic scenarios of external conditions of the functioning and development of the energy industry, as well as technical and economic indicators of the main technological classes of the energy industry have been developed (academicians of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine M.M. Kulyk, S.V. Shulzhenko, T.R. Bilan, M. I. Kaplin, B. A. Kostyukovsky, I. Ch. Leshchenko, O. E. Malyarenko).

Employees of General Energy Institute of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine in accordance with the joint project of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and IIASA "Evolution of high technologies, modeling and assessment of the impact of technological changes on economic development" carried out the scientific work "Research of directions and indicators of the development of the energy sector of Ukraine in the context of reducing emissions" of GHGs in the perspective of 2012 (post-Kyoto period)" in 2009–2011. The methods of limiting and regulating greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions at the interstate and national levels were investigated in the research paper, the options for possible restrictions on GHG emissions for Ukraine in the future were formed, and prospective directions and technologies for reducing these emissions were analyzed. The methods and means of forecasting the development of the energy sector have been improved to ensure taking into account restrictions on GHG emissions in the future and to assess their impact on the development directions of the country's energy sector in the future. Alternative scenarios for the development of the economic and economic sectors of Ukraine in the context of ensuring the fulfillment of the country's potential obligations regarding GHG emissions in the period up to 2030 have been developed and studied, taking into account the probability of a significant increase in the rigidity of the stated obligations in the future (Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine M.M. Kulyk , B. A. Kostyukovsky, S. V. Shulzhenko, T. P. Nechaeva, O. O. Ruban-Maksimets, D. P. Sas).

The Institute in 2000–2008 conducted scientific research that is used in the development of international projects, in particular, research into climate change on the planet. Methodical approaches, mathematical models and software have been developed for researching the prospects of reducing GHG emissions, which allow determining the impact of the scale and pace of introduction of new technologies in the economic sectors on the level of GHG emissions. According to the project "Transboundary transport of air pollutants", the forecasting of the external conditions of the development of the fuel and energy complex of Ukraine was carried out taking into account the directions of transformation of energy markets, the directions of its development were studied within the requirements of environmental protection. Methodical approaches, algorithms and software were developed for the transformation of actual and perspective fuel and energy balances of Ukraine into the format of the RAINS (The Regional Air Pollution and Simulation) international model in order to obtain the possibility of clarifying data on the impact of thermal power plants on the environment (indicators of cross-border transfers of sulfur and nitrogen oxides , dust, greenhouse gas emissions). Prepared and submitted to IIASA management data for forecast calculations for the period up to 2030 using the simulation-inflation model of regional pollution RAINS, which allow to estimate for a specific scenario of the development of energy and agriculture, the cost and environmental effects of actions to control the admissibility of emissions; opportunities were analyzed and recommendations were made regarding the use of the mechanism for the implementation of joint implementation projects for ensuring investments in the development of the energy industries of Ukraine, provided for by the Kyoto Protocol (academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine M.M. Kulyk, B.A. Kostyukovsky, S.V. Shulzhenko).

The Institute employees, within the framework of the Technical Committee TK 48, cooperate with international technical committees on standardization (exchange of texts of standards, holding votes on the adoption of international standards in the field of energy saving)

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Інститут загальної енергетики НАН України засновано відповідно до Постанови Президії Національної академії наук України № 83 від 26 лютого 1997 року. Інститут входить до складу Відділення фізико-технічних проблем енергетики НАН України. Головним завданням Інституту є якісне та оперативне вирішення ключових проблем розвитку і функціонування національної енергетики в умовах інтеграції України до світового енергетичного ринку і підвищення енергетичної та економічної безпеки.

Дослідження, що виконуються Інститутом, визначені постановою Президії НАН України. Вони відповідають національним інтересам України, підвищенню її енергетичної та економічної безпеки, якісному та оперативному вирішенню ключових проблем функціонування і сталого розвитку національної енергетики в умовах перехідної економіки, інтеграції України до світового енергетичного ринку та ряду інших важливих проблем державного значення.

З 1997 року Інститутом керує відомий вчений в галузі енергетики академік НАН України, доктор технічних наук, професор КУЛИК Михайло Миколайович. Під його науковим керівництвом створена наукова школа з розробки теоретичних основ математичних моделей і програмного забезпечення для аналізу та оптимізації напрямків розвитку паливно-енергетичного комплексу та підвищення енергетичної ефективності в економіці та соціальній сфері країни. Кулик Михайло Миколайович працює в Національній академії наук України з 1966 р. Кандидатську дисертацію захистив у 1969 р., докторську - в 1979 р. Звання професора йому присвоєно в 1986 р. У 1995 р. обраний членом-кореспондентом НАН України, а в 2000 р. - академіком НАН України. Кулик М.М. є лауреатом Державної премії України в галузі науки і техніки (1999 р.), лауреатом премії ім.С.О.Лебедєва Національної академії наук України (1994 р.) і премії ім.В.М.Хрущова Національної академії наук України (2002 р.). 26 листопада 2003 р. йому присвоєно звання "Заслужений діяч науки і техніки".

 Відповідно до визначених напрямів Інститутом загальної енергетики НАН України виконуються фундаментальні наукові дослідження з розробки і вдосконалення методів і засобів дослідження довгострокового розвитку паливно-енергетичного комплексу України; розробки наукових основ визначення показників енергетичної ефективності і рівнів енергоспоживання з урахуванням міжгалузевих і галузевих структурних зрушень; економічних досліджень та прогнозування розвитку вугільної промисловості; розробки методів і засобів енергоекономічного аналізу та оптимізації структури і режимів управління виробництвом, транспортуванням та споживанням електричної та теплової енергії; розробки методології та математичних моделей економічного регулювання та формування системи тарифів на електричну енергію на стадіях її виробництва та транспортування; розробки методів прогнозування науково-технічного прогресу в енергетиці, оптимізації обсягів використання енергоефективних технологій у розвитку паливно-енергетичного комплексу.

Прикладні дослідження спрямовані на вирішення проблем ефективного функціонування енергетичної галузі, а саме: вдосконалення і розробку математичних, інформаційних і програмних засобів для прогнозування розвитку та управління функціонуванням електроенергетичних, теплопостачальних і газотранспортних систем з урахуванням їх поточного технічного стану; проведення розрахунків і порівняльних оцінок показників енергоємності та повної енергоємності промислової продукції; дослідження та розробку методичних і програмних засобів формування виробничих характеристик вугільних підприємств за видатковими показниками; створення науково-технічних основ комплексної стандартизації у сфері енергетики України; моделювання електроенергетичного комплексу України; розробка та модернізація методів і засобів розрахунку технологічних витрат електроенергії в розподільних мережах енергосистем; розробка методів підвищення енергоефективності теплових процесів у гетерогенних

   В Інституті функціонує секція «Наукові основи прогнозування розвитку енергетики» Наукової ради НАН України «Наукові основи електроенергетики».

Інститут видає фаховий науковий збірник "Проблеми загальної енергетики".

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