Prospective studies

The Institute`s activities are carried out today in accordance with Article 7, Clause 6 "New technologies and resource-saving technologies in energy, industry and agro-industrial complex" of the Law of Ukraine "On priority directions of development of science and technology".

Suggestions of General Energy Institute of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine regarding the opening of new scientific works on departmental topics from 2022   pdf download (133 KB)

The functioning and the country's future energy development occur under the conditions of unstable internal market relations in the branches of the fuel and energy complex and adjacent sectors of the country's economy, as well as under the strengthening of external influences related to the worldwide process of economic globalization.

Rapid changes in conditions, exacerbated by the increasing influence of market factors, require the appropriate improvement of methods of managing the functioning and development of the country's energy industry as a guarantor of sustainable development and competitiveness of the national economy on internal and external markets.

The role of scientific research significantly strengthened in the system analysis sectors and forecasting of energy development aimed at determining strategic directions of energy construction, optimization of the structure of energy and its fuel bases, creation of flexible mechanisms of state management in the energy sector, rapid identification, research and implementation of the most effective energy technologies of the future

The scientific support of the Energy Strategy of Ukraine for the period until 2030 and beyond, the Comprehensive State Energy Saving Program of Ukraine, sectoral and regional programs in the field of energy and energy saving, coordination of scientific and technical activities in energy and related sectors of science and technology is becoming relevant today.

In the near future, the priority of the development of fundamental scientific research in general energy is the further improvement of the theoretical foundations and means of analysis and optimization of the directions of development of the fuel and energy complex, the increase of energy efficiency in the economy and social sphere of Ukraine under the conditions of globalization and liberalization of the fuel and energy markets, environmental restrictions and requirements, a factor of a significant increase in energy prices, an increase in the use of renewable energy sources, further growth of the country's energy security for the sustainable development of its economy.

According to the requirements of the time, the scientific activity of the institute in the next 5-10 years will be related to:

  • further development, improvement and implementation of methods for optimizing the functioning and development of the branches of the fuel and energy complex, the country's energy industry as a whole, taking into account probable changes in internal and external conditions and trends, the effect of the factor of a significant increase in prices for energy resources, achievements of scientific and technical progress;

  • scientific support of the Energy Strategy of Ukraine for the period up to 2030 and beyond;

  • applied research implementation aimed at developing recommendations for state management bodies on topical issues of energy development, creation of regulatory and technical documentation in the energy sectors and energy conservation, conducting technical expertise, development and implementation of new energy installations and technologies;

  • scientific research coordination in the system analysis sector and energy forecasting, development of state and regional programs for its development;

  • international cooperation strengthening with the leading scientific centers of Europe and the world in matters of improving the methods of system analysis and forecasting in energy.


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