Technical Committee

The Institute employees participate actively in the coordination of scientific research in the complex of comprehensive standardization on the problem of "Energy efficiency" within the framework of the work of the technical committee on standardization TC 48 "Energy efficiency", the secretariat of which works on the basis of the Institute.


In accordance with the LC provision 48, approved by the order of the SE "Ukrainian Research and Training Center for Standardization, Certification and Quality Problems" dated 17.06.2016 No. 178, it is an association of authorized representatives of interested enterprises, institutions and organizations of customers, developers, product manufacturers, executive power bodies, local self-government bodies, economic entities and their associations, scientific-technical and engineering societies, consumer societies, relevant public organizations, leading scientists and specialists, involved in the work of the technical committee on a voluntary basis, taking into account the principle of representation of all interested parties. LC 48 "Energy efficiency" includes representatives of 14 organizations. The committee is entrusted with the functions of developing, reviewing and agreeing national standards in the field of energy saving, participating in the work of related technical committees of international and regional organizations, and forming the position of Ukraine regarding the regulatory documents being developed by these organizations.

Technical Committee on Standardization No. 48 "Energy Saving" in 2020:

On October 9, 2020, the first editions of draft national standards of Ukraine in the energy efficiency sector were reviewed and agreed, namely: per DSTU EN 378-2:20__ (EN 378-2:2016, IDT), per DSTU EN 62109-1:20__ (EN 62109-1:2010, IDT; IEC 62109-1:2010, IDT), per DSTU EN 62109-2:20__ (EN 62109-2:2011, IDT; IEC 62109-2: 2011, IDT);

On October 16, 2020, draft national standards of Ukraine in the energy efficiency sector were reviewed and agreed, namely: per DSTU  EN 378-2:20__ (EN 378-2:2016, IDT), per DSTU EN 62109-1:20__ (EN 62109-1:2010, IDT; IEC 62109-1:2010, IDT), per DSTU EN 62109-2:20__ (EN 62109-2:2011, IDT; IEC 62109-2: 2011, IDT);

On November 17, 2020, it was considered and recommended to submit proposals to the National Standardization Work Program for 2021 to the SE UkrNDNC regarding the development of national standards, harmonized with European standards, by the translation method, on the subject specified in LC 48 "Energy efficiency"" (10 standards).

The Institute employees, as part of the work of the Technical Committee LC 48, cooperate with international technical committees on standardization (exchange of texts of standards, holding votes on the adoption of international standards in the energy saving sector):

  • ISO/TC 301 Energy management and energy savings;
  • ISO/TC 180/SC5 Solar energy / Collectors and other components;
  • IEC TC 88 Wind energy generation systems;
  • IEC TC 105 Fuel cell technologies;
  • IEC TC 117 Solar thermal electric plants;
  • CENELEC: CLC/TC 13 Electrical energy measurement and control;
  • CENELEC: CLC/TC 82 Solar photovoltaic energy systems;
  • CENELEC: CLC/TC 88 Wind turbines;
  • CENELEC: CLC/SR 105 Fuel cell technologies;
  • CENELEC: CLC/SR 117 Solar thermal electric plants.

ДСТУ ISO 9846 Енергія сонячна. Калібрування піранометра із використанням піргеліометра.
ДСТУ ISO 9845-1 Енергія сонячна. Еталонна спектральна густина потоку сонячного випромінювання на поверхні землі в різних умовах приймання. Частина 1: Пряме перпендикулярне та напівсферичне випромінювання для повітряної маси 1,5.
ДСТУ ISO 9847 Енергія сонячна. Калібрування польових піранометрів порівнянням з еталонним піранометром.
ДСТУ ISO/TR 9901 Енергія сонячна. Польові піранометри. Рекомендований спосіб використання.
ДСТУ ISO 9488 Енергія сонячна. Словник.

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